
jQuery 表单输入提示,各种不同的项目

The username is other people's way of recognizing you around this website.

You can use html in these helpboxes.

Here's a <hr>:
And here's is a <ul>:
  • One
  • Two
  • Three

Enter a date between the past and the future.
Enter a date and time between the past and the future.
Enter a local date and time between the past and the future.
Please, upload a valid file like some kind of image or PDF.
It's some button you don't have to click.
Pick your favorite color!
The image in this button isn't very imaginative but it gets the point across.
Pick a value in this range.
You have multiple choices, please choose one or more.
Input type=reset Reset the form, nobody likes this button by the way. It's always being clicked on wh
Input type=submit Did you enter the correct data?
Tell us your gender so we can address you in polite manner.
Please make a choice.
Please tell us what you think!
This box has another background color and no pushpin because of the class prefix