The classic style of auto-suggest. It takes just one parameter, the URL to retrieve the data.
The auto-suggest can also return an ID. You just need to prepare the input element for storing it and then pass one additional parameter, idField.
The auto-suggest can also display image thumbnail and additional description. You have to pass two additional parameters, showThumbnail, and showDescription and then set their value to true.
Image thumbnail's width and height can be set from the CSS file.For a better appearance, I recommend that all images must have the same width and height.
These are the other usefull parameters which you can use. Here they are.
For this new version, you can use one callback function which can be used via onSelected parameter. This callback function will be executed when you made a selection on one item (by clicking it or pressing 'Enter'). By using this callback feature you can retrieve the selected object to be used later in your code.
This callback feature can also be used as the alternative to get the ID of the selected item and also submit the form after you made the selection.