- <div id="main_container">
- <form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
- <input type="file" name="userfile" class="fileUpload" multiple>
- <button id="px-submit" type="submit">上传</button>
- <button id="px-clear" type="reset">清除</button>
- </form>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- jQuery(function($){
- $('.fileUpload').fileUploader();
- });
- </script>
- </div>
PHP Code
- <?php
- include("upload_class.php"); //classes is the map where the class file is stored
- $upload = new file_upload();
- $upload->upload_dir = '../upload/';
- $upload->extensions = array('.png', '.jpg', '.pdf'); // specify the allowed extensions here
- $upload->rename_file = true;
- if(!emptyempty($_FILES)) {
- $upload->the_temp_file = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];
- $upload->the_file = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
- $upload->http_error = $_FILES['userfile']['error'];
- $upload->do_filename_check = 'y'; // use this boolean to check for a valid filename
- if ($upload->upload()){
- echo '<div id="status">success</div>';
- echo '<div id="message">'. $upload->file_copy .' Successfully Uploaded</div>';
- //return the upload file
- echo '<div id="uploadedfile">'. $upload->file_copy .'</div>';
- } else {
- echo '<div id="status">failed</div>';
- echo '<div id="message">'. $upload->show_error_string() .'</div>';
- }
- }
- ?>
PHP Code
- <?php
- class file_upload {
- var $the_file;
- var $the_temp_file;
- var $upload_dir;
- var $replace;
- var $do_filename_check;
- var $max_length_filename = 100;
- var $extensions;
- var $ext_string;
- var $language;
- var $http_error;
- var $rename_file; // if this var is true the file copy get a new name
- var $file_copy; // the new name
- var $message = array();
- var $create_directory = true;
- /*
- ver. 2.32
- Added vars for file and directory permissions, check also the methods move_upload() and check_dir().
- */
- var $fileperm = 0644;
- var $dirperm = 0777;
- function file_upload() {
- $this->language = 'en'; // choice of en, nl, es
- $this->rename_file = false;
- $this->ext_string = '';
- }
- function show_error_string($br = '<br />') {
- $msg_string = '';
- foreach ($this->message as $value) {
- $msg_string .= $value.$br;
- }
- return $msg_string;
- }
- function set_file_name($new_name = '') { // this 'conversion' is used for unique/new filenames
- if ($this->rename_file) {
- if ($this->the_file == '') return;
- $name = ($new_name == '') ? uniqid() : $new_name;
- sleep(3);
- $name = $name.$this->get_extension($this->the_file);
- } else {
- $name = str_replace(' ', '_', $this->the_file); // space will result in problems on linux systems
- }
- return $name;
- }
- function upload($to_name = '') {
- $new_name = $this->set_file_name($to_name);
- if ($this->check_file_name($new_name)) {
- if ($this->validateExtension()) {
- if (is_uploaded_file($this->the_temp_file)) {
- $this->file_copy = $new_name;
- if ($this->move_upload($this->the_temp_file, $this->file_copy)) {
- $this->message[] = $this->error_text($this->http_error);
- if ($this->rename_file) $this->message[] = $this->error_text(16);
- return true;
- }
- } else {
- $this->message[] = $this->error_text($this->http_error);
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- $this->show_extensions();
- $this->message[] = $this->error_text(11);
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- function check_file_name($the_name) {
- if ($the_name != '') {
- if (strlen($the_name) > $this->max_length_filename) {
- $this->message[] = $this->error_text(13);
- return false;
- } else {
- if ($this->do_filename_check == 'y') {
- if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]*.(.){1,5}$/i', $the_name)) {
- return true;
- } else {
- $this->message[] = $this->error_text(12);
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else {
- $this->message[] = $this->error_text(10);
- return false;
- }
- }
- function get_extension($from_file) {
- $ext = strtolower(strrchr($from_file,'.'));
- return $ext;
- }
- function validateExtension() {
- $extension = $this->get_extension($this->the_file);
- $ext_array = $this->extensions;
- if (in_array($extension, $ext_array)) {
- // check mime type hier too against allowed/restricted mime types (boolean check mimetype)
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // this method is only used for detailed error reporting
- function show_extensions() {
- $this->ext_string = implode(' ', $this->extensions);
- }
- function move_upload($tmp_file, $new_file) {
- if ($this->existing_file($new_file)) {
- $newfile = $this->upload_dir.$new_file;
- if ($this->check_dir($this->upload_dir)) {
- if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_file, $newfile)) {
- umask(0);
- chmod($newfile , $this->fileperm);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- $this->message[] = $this->error_text(14);
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- $this->message[] = $this->error_text(15);
- return false;
- }
- }
- function check_dir($directory) {
- if (!is_dir($directory)) {
- if ($this->create_directory) {
- umask(0);
- mkdir($directory, $this->dirperm);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- function existing_file($file_name) {
- if ($this->replace == 'y') {
- return true;
- } else {
- if (file_exists($this->upload_dir.$file_name)) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ver. 2.32
- Method get_uploaded_file_info(): Replaced old n line-ends with the PHP constant variable PHP_EOL
- */
- function get_uploaded_file_info($name) {
- $str = 'File name: '.basename($name).PHP_EOL;
- $str .= 'File size: '.filesize($name).' bytes'.PHP_EOL;
- if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
- $str .= 'Mime type: '.mime_content_type($name).PHP_EOL;
- }
- if ($img_dim = getimagesize($name)) {
- $str .= 'Image dimensions: x = '.$img_dim[0].'px, y = '.$img_dim[1].'px'.PHP_EOL;
- }
- return $str;
- }
- // this method was first located inside the foto_upload extension
- function del_temp_file($file) {
- $delete = @unlink($file);
- clearstatcache();
- if (@file_exists($file)) {
- $filesys = eregi_replace('/','\',$file);
- $delete = @system('del $filesys');
- clearstatcache();
- if (@file_exists($file)) {
- $delete = @chmod ($file, 0644);
- $delete = @unlink($file);
- $delete = @system('del $filesys');
- }
- }
- }
- // this function creates a file field and if $show_alternate is true it will show a text field if the given file already exists
- // there is also a submit button to remove the text field value
- /*
- ver. 2.32
- Method create_file_field(): Minor code clean up (better code formatting and replaced double with single quotes)
- */
- function create_file_field($element, $label = '', $length = 25, $show_replace = true, $replace_label = 'Replace old file?', $file_path = '', $file_name = '', $show_alternate = false, $alt_length = 30, $alt_btn_label = 'Delete image') {
- $field = '';
- if ($label != '') $field = '
- <label>'.$label.'</label>';
- $field = '
- <input type="file" name="'.$element.'" size="'.$length.'" />';
- if ($show_replace) $field .= '
- <span>'.$replace_label.'</span>
- <input type="checkbox" name="replace" value="y" />';
- if ($file_name != '' && $show_alternate) {
- $field .= '
- <input type="text" name="'.$element.'" size="'.$alt_length.'" value="'.$file_name.'" readonly="readonly"';
- $field .= (!@file_exists($file_path.$file_name)) ? ' title="'.sprintf($this->error_text(17), $file_name).'" />' : ' />';
- $field .= '
- <input type="checkbox" name="del_img" value="y" />
- <span>'.$alt_btn_label.'</span>';
- }
- return $field;
- }
- // some error (HTTP)reporting, change the messages or remove options if you like.
- /* ver 2.32
- Method error_text(): Older Dutch language messages are re-written, thanks Julian A. de Marchi. Added HTTP error messages (error 6-7 introduced with newer PHP versions, error no. 5 doesn't exists)
- */
- function error_text($err_num) {
- switch ($this->language) {
- case 'nl':
- $error[0] = 'Bestand <b>'.$this->the_file.'</b> staat nu op de server.';
- $error[1] = 'Dit bestand is groter dan de toegestaane upload bestandgrootte in de server configuratie.';
- $error[2] = 'Dit bestand is groter dan de MAX_FILE_SIZE parameter welke in de html formulier werdt gespecificiëerd.';
- $error[3] = 'De upload is helaas mislukt. Slechts een deel van het bestand is bij de server aangekomen. Probeer het opnieuw.';
- $error[4] = 'De upload is helaas mislukt. Geen betrouwbare verbinding met de server kwam tot stand. Probeer het opnieuw.';
- $error[6] = 'De map voor tijdelijke opslag ontbreekt. ';
- $error[7] = 'Het schrijven op de server is mislukt. ';
- $error[8] = 'Een PHP extensie is gestopt tijdens het uploaden. ';
- // end http errors
- $error[10] = 'Selecteer een bestand om te uploaden.';
- $error[11] = 'Uitsluitend bestanden van de volgende types zijn toegestaan: <b>'.$this->ext_string.'</b>';
- $error[12] = 'Helaas heeft het gekozen bestand karakters die niet zijn toegestaan. Gebruik uitsluitend cijfers, letters, en onderstrepen. <br>Een geldige naam eindigt met een punt met daarop volgend het extensietype.';
- $error[13] = 'De bestandsnaam is echter te lang, en mag een maximum van '.$this->max_length_filename.' tekens bevatten.';
- $error[14] = 'De gekozen map werdt niet gevonden.';
- $error[15] = 'Een bestand met dezelfde naam ('.$this->the_file.') bestaat al op de server. Probeer opnieuw met een andere naam.';
- $error[16] = 'Op de server werdt het bestand hernoemd tot <b>'.$this->file_copy.'</b>.';
- $error[17] = 'Het bestand %s bestaat niet.';
- break;
- case 'de':
- $error[0] = 'Die Datei: <b>'.$this->the_file.'</b> wurde hochgeladen!';
- $error[1] = 'Die hochzuladende Datei ist größer als der Wert in der Server-Konfiguration!';
- $error[2] = 'Die hochzuladende Datei ist größer als der Wert in der Klassen-Konfiguration!';
- $error[3] = 'Die hochzuladende Datei wurde nur teilweise übertragen';
- $error[4] = 'Es wurde keine Datei hochgeladen';
- $error[6] = 'Der temporäre Dateiordner fehlt';
- $error[7] = 'Das Schreiben der Datei auf der Festplatte war nicht möglich.';
- $error[8] = 'Eine PHP Erweiterung hat während dem hochladen aufgehört zu arbeiten. ';
- $error[10] = 'Wählen Sie eine Datei aus!.';
- $error[11] = 'Es sind nur Dateien mit folgenden Endungen erlaubt: <b>'.$this->ext_string.'</b>';
- $error[12] = 'Der Dateiname enthält ungültige Zeichen. Benutzen Sie nur alphanumerische Zeichen für den Dateinamen mit Unterstrich. <br>Ein gültiger Dateiname endet mit einem Punkt, gefolgt von der Endung.';
- $error[13] = 'Der Dateiname überschreitet die maximale Anzahl von '.$this->max_length_filename.' Zeichen.';
- $error[14] = 'Das Upload-Verzeichnis existiert nicht!';
- $error[15] = 'Upload <b>'.$this->the_file.'...Fehler!</b> Eine Datei mit gleichem Dateinamen existiert bereits.';
- $error[16] = 'Die hochgeladene Datei ist umbenannt in <b>'.$this->file_copy.'</b>.';
- $error[17] = 'Die Datei %s existiert nicht.';
- break;
- //
- // place here the translations (if you need) from the directory 'add_translations'
- //
- default:
- // start http errors
- $error[0] = 'File: <b>'.$this->the_file.'</b> successfully uploaded!';
- $error[1] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the max. upload filesize directive in the server configuration.';
- $error[2] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form.';
- $error[3] = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded';
- $error[4] = 'No file was uploaded';
- $error[6] = 'Missing a temporary folder. ';
- $error[7] = 'Failed to write file to disk. ';
- $error[8] = 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload. ';
- // end http errors
- $error[10] = 'Please select a file for upload.';
- $error[11] = 'Only files with the following extensions are allowed: <b>'.$this->ext_string.'</b>';
- $error[12] = 'Sorry, the filename contains invalid characters. Use only alphanumerical chars and separate parts of the name (if needed) with an underscore. <br>A valid filename ends with one dot followed by the extension.';
- $error[13] = 'The filename exceeds the maximum length of '.$this->max_length_filename.' characters.';
- $error[14] = 'Sorry, the upload directory does not exist!';
- $error[15] = 'Uploading <b>'.$this->the_file.'...Error!</b> Sorry, a file with this name already exitst.';
- $error[16] = 'The uploaded file is renamed to <b>'.$this->file_copy.'</b>.';
- $error[17] = 'The file %s does not exist.';
- }
- return $error[$err_num];
- }
- }
- ?>