
- <div class="demo-buttons clearfix">
- <div class="demo-button" id="demoT1">Hover me!</div>
- <div class="demo-button" id="demoT2">Hover me!</div>
- <div class="demo-button" id="demoT3">Hover me!</div>
- <div class="demo-button" id="demoT4">Hover me!</div>
- <div class="demo-button" id="demoT5">Hover me!</div>
- <div class="demo-button" id="demoT6">Hover me!</div>
- <div class="demo-button demo-button-click" id="demoT7">Click me!</div>
- <div class="demo-button demo-button-click" id="demoT8">Click me!</div>
- </div>
JavaScript Code
- var noticeN3Volume = 100;
- function setN3Volume(vol) {
- noticeN3Volume = vol;
- jQuery('.jBoxN3-volume').removeClass('active');
- jQuery('#jBoxN3-volume' + vol).addClass('active')
- }
- jQuery(document).ready(function() {
- new jBox('Tooltip', {
- id: 'jBoxT1',
- attach: jQuery('#demoT1'),
- content: 'This is a basic jBox tooltip'
- });
- new jBox('Tooltip', {
- id: 'jBoxT2',
- theme: 'TooltipBorder',
- width: 200,
- position: {
- x: 'left',
- y: 'center'
- },
- outside: 'x',
- pointer: 'top:15',
- attach: jQuery('#demoT2'),
- content: 'You have many options to position and animate your jBoxes',
- animation: 'move'
- });
- new jBox('Tooltip', {
- id: 'jBoxT3',
- theme: 'TooltipDark',
- animation: 'zoomOut',
- attach: jQuery('#demoT3'),
- content: 'Use themes to change appearance'
- });
- jQuery('#demoT4').mouseenter(function() {
- jQuery('#demoT4').addClass('active').html('Wait...')
- }).mouseleave(function() {
- jQuery('#demoT4').addClass('active').html('Wait...')
- });
- new jBox('Tooltip', {
- id: 'jBoxT4',
- width: 300,
- pointer: 'right:80',
- animation: 'move',
- delayOpen: 1000,
- delayClose: 2000,
- attach: jQuery('#demoT4'),
- content: 'This tooltip waits 1 second to open and closes after 2 seconds',
- onOpen: function() {
- jQuery('#demoT4').removeClass('active').html('Hover me!')
- },
- onClose: function() {
- jQuery('#demoT4').removeClass('active').html('Hover me!')
- }
- });
- new jBox('Mouse', {
- id: 'jBoxT5',
- attach: jQuery('#demoT5'),
- content: 'I will follow you!'
- });
- new jBox('Tooltip', {
- id: 'jBoxT6',
- width: 280,
- closeOnMouseleave: true,
- animation: 'zoomIn',
- attach: jQuery('#demoT6'),
- content: 'I won't close when you move your mouse over me'
- });
- new jBox('Tooltip', {
- id: 'jBoxT7',
- theme: 'TooltipBorder',
- trigger: 'click',
- adjustDistance: {
- top: 55,
- right: 5,
- bottom: 5,
- left: 5
- },
- adjustTracker: true,
- closeOnClick: 'body',
- closeButton: 'box',
- animation: 'move',
- attach: jQuery('#demoT7'),
- target: jQuery('#demoT1'),
- position: {
- x: 'left',
- y: 'top'
- },
- outside: 'y',
- pointer: 'left:20',
- offset: {
- x: 25
- },
- content: 'You can position your tooltips at any element.<br>Scroll up and down to see this tooltip flip position!',
- onOpen: function() {},
- onOpen: function() {
- jQuery('#demoT7').addClass('active').html('Now scroll!')
- },
- onClose: function() {
- jQuery('#demoT7').removeClass('active').html('Click me!')
- }
- });
- new jBox('Tooltip', {
- id: 'jBoxT8',
- theme: 'TooltipBorder',
- trigger: 'click',
- width: 200,
- height: 600,
- adjustTracker: true,
- adjustDistance: {
- top: 55,
- right: 5,
- bottom: 5,
- left: 5
- },
- closeOnClick: 'body',
- closeOnEsc: true,
- animation: 'move',
- attach: jQuery('#demoT8'),
- position: {
- x: 'right',
- y: 'center'
- },
- outside: 'x',
- content: 'Scroll up and down or resize your browser, I will adjust my position!<br><br>Press [ESC] or click anywhere to close.',
- onInit: function() {
- this.options.height = (jQuery(window).height() - 200)
- },
- onOpen: function() {
- jQuery('#demoT8').addClass('active').html('Now scroll!')
- },
- onClose: function() {
- jQuery('#demoT8').removeClass('active').html('Click me!')
- }
- });
- new jBox('Modal', {
- attach: jQuery('#demoM1'),
- height: 200,
- title: 'I'm a basic jBox modal window',
- content: '<div style="line-height: 30px;">Try to scroll's blocked.<br>Press [ESC] or click anywhere to close.</div>'
- });
- new jBox('Modal', {
- attach: jQuery('#demoM2'),
- theme: 'ModalBorder',
- width: 350,
- height: 200,
- blockScroll: false,
- animation: 'zoomIn',
- draggable: 'title',
- content: 'You can move this modal window',
- title: 'Click here to drag me around',
- overlay: false
- });
- new jBox('Modal', {
- attach: jQuery('#demoM3'),
- closeButton: 'box',
- animation: {
- open: 'slide:left',
- close: 'slide:right'
- },
- onCreated: function() {
- this.content.css({
- lineHeight: '40px',
- padding: '60px 80px',
- textAlign: 'center'
- })
- },
- content: 'As with tooltips, you have<br>many options to change appearance and behavior'
- });
- new jBox('Modal', {
- attach: jQuery('#demoM4'),
- width: 450,
- height: 250,
- closeButton: 'title',
- animation: false,
- onAjax: function() {
- this.setTitle('Content is loading…')
- },
- onAjaxComplete: function() {
- this.setTitle('Content loaded')
- },
- ajax: 'index.html',
- reload: true
- });
- jQuery('.demo-button-notice').click(function() {
- jQuery(this).addClass('active').children('.jBox-notice-text').html('Click me again!')
- }).mouseleave(function() {
- jQuery(this).removeClass('active').children('.jBox-notice-text').html('Click me!')
- });
- jQuery('#demoN1').click(function() {
- new jBox('Notice', {
- content: 'Hello, I'm a notice!',
- position: {
- x: 15,
- y: 65
- },
- zIndex: 12000
- })
- });
- var colorsN2 = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'];
- var currentColorN2 = 0;
- jQuery('#demoN2').click(function() {
- new jBox('Notice', {
- animation: 'flip',
- position: {
- x: 15,
- y: 65
- },
- content: 'Oooh! They also come in colors!',
- onInit: function() {
- this.options.color = colorsN2[currentColorN2];
- currentColorN2++;
- (currentColorN2 >= colorsN2.length) && (currentColorN2 = 0)
- },
- zIndex: 12000
- })
- });
- var colorsN3 = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'];
- var titlesN3 = ['Oops', 'Well done', 'Reminder', 'Attention'];
- var contentsN3 = ['Sorry, something went wrong', 'You perfectly clicked a button', 'Don't forget to click the button one more time', 'Take care out there'];
- var currentColorN3 = 0;
- jQuery('#demoN3').click(function() {
- new jBox('Notice', {
- attributes: {
- x: 'left',
- y: 'bottom'
- },
- theme: 'NoticeBorder',
- color: 'black',
- audio: '/plugins/jBox/Source/audio/blob',
- volume: noticeN3Volume,
- animation: {
- open: 'slide:bottom',
- close: 'slide:left'
- },
- onInit: function() {
- this.options.color = colorsN3[currentColorN3];
- this.options.title = titlesN3[currentColorN3];
- this.options.content = contentsN3[currentColorN3];
- currentColorN3++;
- (currentColorN3 >= colorsN3.length) && (currentColorN3 = 0)
- },
- })
- });
- var colorsN4 = ['black', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow'];
- var currentColorN4 = 0;
- jQuery('#demoN4').click(function() {
- new jBox('Notice', {
- autoClose: 10000,
- attributes: {
- x: 'right',
- y: 'bottom'
- },
- stack: false,
- animation: {
- open: 'tada',
- close: 'zoomIn'
- },
- title: 'Tadaaa! I'm single!',
- content: 'Open another notice to close me!',
- onInit: function() {
- this.options.color = colorsN4[currentColorN4];
- currentColorN4++;
- (currentColorN4 >= colorsN4.length) && (currentColorN4 = 0)
- },
- })
- })
- });