JavaScript Code
- <script>
- $(document).ready(function(){
- var Tabs = {
- 'Tab one' : 'pages/page1.html',
- 'Tab two' : 'pages/page2.html',
- 'Tab three' : 'pages/page3.html',
- 'Tab four' : 'pages/page4.html'
- }
- var colors = ['blue','green','red','orange'];
- var topLineColor = {
- blue:'lightblue',
- green:'lightgreen',
- red:'red',
- orange:'orange'
- }
- /* Looping through the Tabs object: */
- var z=0;
- $.each(Tabs,function(i,j){
- /* Sequentially creating the tabs and assigning a color from the array: */
- var tmp = $('<li><a href="#" class="tab '+colors[(z++%4)]+'">'+i+' <span class="left" /><span class="right" /></a></li>');
- /* Setting the page data for each hyperlink: */
- tmp.find('a').data('page',j);
- /* Adding the tab to the UL container: */
- $('ul.tabContainer').append(tmp);
- })
- /* Caching the tabs into a variable for better performance: */
- var the_tabs = $('.tab');
- the_tabs.click(function(e){
- /* "this" points to the clicked tab hyperlink: */
- var element = $(this);
- /* If it is currently active, return false and exit: */
- if(element.find('#overLine').length) return false;
- /* Detecting the color of the tab (it was added to the class attribute in the loop above): */
- var bg = element.attr('class').replace('tab ','');
- /* Removing the line: */
- $('#overLine').remove();
- /* Creating a new line with jQuery 1.4 by passing a second parameter: */
- $('<div>',{
- id:'overLine',
- css:{
- display:'none',
- width:element.outerWidth()-2,
- background:topLineColor[bg] || 'white'
- }}).appendTo(element).fadeIn('slow');
- /* Checking whether the AJAX fetched page has been cached: */
- if(!element.data('cache'))
- {
- /* If no cache is present, show the gif preloader and run an AJAX request: */
- $('#contentHolder').html('<img src="img/ajax_preloader.gif" width="64" height="64" class="preloader" />');
- $.get(element.data('page'),function(msg){
- $('#contentHolder').html(msg);
- /* After page was received, add it to the cache for the current hyperlink: */
- element.data('cache',msg);
- });
- }
- else $('#contentHolder').html(element.data('cache'));
- e.preventDefault();
- })
- /* Emulating a click on the first tab so that the content area is not empty: */
- the_tabs.eq(0).click();
- });
- </script>
- <div id="main">
- <ul class="tabContainer">
- </ul>
- <div class="clear"></div>
- <div id="tabContent">
- <div id="contentHolder">
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>