JavaScript Code
- /*!
- * Contact Buttons Plugin Demo 0.1.0
- * https://github.com/joege/contact-buttons-plugin
- *
- * Copyright 2015, José Gonçalves
- *
- * Licensed under the MIT license:
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- */
- // Google Fonts
- WebFontConfig = {
- google: { families: [ 'Lato:400,700,300:latin' ] }
- };
- (function() {
- var wf = document.createElement('script');
- wf.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https' : 'http') +
- '://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1/webfont.js';
- wf.type = 'text/javascript';
- wf.async = 'true';
- var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
- s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s);
- })();
- // Initialize Share-Buttons
- $.contactButtons({
effect : 'slide-on-scroll',
- buttons : {
- 'facebook': { class: 'facebook', use: true, link: 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/mycompany', extras: 'target="_blank"' },
- 'linkedin': { class: 'linkedin', use: true, link: 'https://www.linkedin.com/company/mycompany' },
- 'google': { class: 'gplus', use: true, link: 'https://plus.google.com/myidongoogle' },
- 'mybutton': { class: 'git', use: true, link: 'http://github.com', icon: 'github', title: 'My title for the button' },
- 'phone': { class: 'phone separated', use: true, link: '+000' },
- 'email': { class: 'email', use: true, link: 'test@xxx.com' }
- }
- });